Green Carnation

Green Carnation

Green Carnation is a progressive metal band from Kristiansand, Norway, formed in 1990. Green Carnation’s trend of music has continuously become less and less heavy after every release; from straight forward death metal, to a progressive doom metal sound, to an atmospheric gothic metal sound, to a melancholic hard rock sound and in 2006, went as far as to releasing an entirely acoustic album Acoustic Verses. The band is expected to release its first album in 14 years titled Leaves of Yesteryear on May 8, 2020.

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Journey To The End Of The Night (2000)
Light Of Day, Day Of Darkness (2001)
A Blessing In Disguise (2003)
The Quiet Offspring (2005)
The Burden Is Mine…Alone (Ep-2005)
The Acoustic Verses (2006)
Leavers Of Yesteryear (2020)