Absu, Proscriptor McGovern lancia i Proscriptor McGovern’s Apsû
Il 18/07/2020, di Stefano Giorgianni.

Il cantante e batterista degli Absu, Proscriptor McGovern, ha annunciato l’uscita del debut album dei Proscriptor McGovern’s Apsû, che uscirà per la fine di quest’anno.
‘Proscriptor McGovern’s Apsû’ tracklist:
I. Amenta: Accelerando: Azyn including Hierophantasmal Expounder
II. Esoterically Excoriating The Exoteric
III. Quasaric Pestilence
IV. Mirroracles
V. In-Betweeness Gateway Commuters
VI. Jupiter In Capricornus
VII. Dedicated To Thoth, But Azathoth Wasn’t Listening (A Necroloquy)
VIII. Caliginous Whorl
IX. The Coagulating Respite
X. Prana: Therion: Akasha
XI. Tantrums Of Azag-Kkû
XII. Every Watchtower Within Is The Axis Of A Watchtower Without Including Totemic Thresholds
La band è composta da:
Proscriptor McGovern: drums/percussion, lyricism, maestro echoplex, papago flute, (analogue & digital) synthesizers & voices (1st person protagonist)
Vaggreaz: electric lead, rhythm & acoustic guitar (2nd person onquisitor)
Ezezû: electric bass guitar, implements & voices (3rd person omniscient)