Twisted Sister, è in vendita la moneta celebrativa del 35 ° anniversario di ‘Stay Hungry’
Il 22/10/2019, di Giuseppe Cassatella.

I Twisted Sister, in occasione del 35 ° anniversario del loro classico ‘Stay Hungry’, hanno messo in vendita una moneta celebrativa in edizione limitata.
Ecco le istruzioni per poterla acquistare:
1. Orders are currently being taken through PayPal only at this PayPal address:
2. When ordering, you MUST include your mailing address.
3. Coins are $35.00 plus $5.00 shipping and handling, plus $3.00 for each additional coin within the United States
4. Coins are $35.00 plus $15.00 shipping and handling, plus $5.00 for each additional coin when shipping internationally.
5. When ordering through PayPal, click on family and friends link.
6. Any problems e-mail Coallier Entertainment and ask for Daniel Stanton –