Poison, è morto il padre di Bret Michaels

Il 05/08/2019, di .

Poison, è morto il padre di Bret Michaels

Ieri, 4 agosto, è morto, a causa delle complicazioni di un arresto cardiaco il padre di Bret Michaels, Wally Sychak.

Il cantante dei Poison ha condiviso questo messaggio sui suoi canali social:

“This morning my Dad passed away. He was a great guy and loved by all. He was a veteran who loved this country, people, family, golf, betting on them horses, a cold beer and long drives. My father was a dreamer, he was my warrior, my friend and most important my Dad. After being resuscitated five times the doctor said he has never seen anyone in my Dad’s serious condition fight like he did.

Dad, you said be strong no matter what, but this pain in my heart & soul hurts so bad at the moment…so bad. I miss you already, we all do. I love you always, Dad, & I will see you one day on the other side.”