Mgła, la reazione della band dopo la cancellazione di alcuni show per motivi politici
Il 29/04/2019, di Giuseppe Cassatella.

A seguito della cancellazione di alcuni show per motivi politici, i Mgła hanno diramato un comunicato ufficiale nel quale spiegano che le accuse sono senza fondamento e che procederanno per via legali, per tale motivo invitano i fan a inviare link o screenshot al gruppo nei quali appaiono tali accuse.
Inoltre, i possessori dei biglietti degli eventi cancellati, inviando all’indirizzo sottostante una mail, riceveranno uno sconto sul webshop della band.
Ecco il comunicato integrale:
We have found ourselves as a target of smear campaign coordinated in time with the start of our European tour. False accusations of political nature of Mgła have been made – brown mud is kept being thrown in hope that some of it sticks. Combined with threats and pressure towards venues and their staff this has led, so far, to the cancellation of two concerts.
We have decided to take legal action against these sources which are publishing defamation in print. This is the first time we explicitly ask the fans for help and support. Please save webpages, take screenshots etc. of defamatory publications which will later be required as supporting material. Likewise, if you have received threats for planning on attending as a fan or working as a crew member at the tour concerts, please save the emails/text messages/forum messages/comments etc. – we will greatly appreciate this as evidence at a later stage.
A word (email, phonecall) of support from fans to the venues under pressure would be fantastic and greatly appreciated. Please be civilized… venue staff have been harassed and threatened already.
This rollercoaster of paranoia has also led to our fans who already paid for their tickets not being able to attend our performances. They are the only people whom we will apologize to, for the inconvenience the situation has created. The least we can do, so far, is to offer a discount code to Mgła webshop for ticket holders of the affected performances. If the date you were planning on going to has been cancelled, please send your electronic receipt / scan of ticket to the email: to get a discount code (& allow a few days for it to arrive given current circumstances).