Mastodon, in arrivo il 10″ con la cover di ‘Stairway To Heaven’ dei Led Zeppelin
Il 01/03/2019, di Giuseppe Cassatella.

In occasione del Record Store Day 2019, i Mastodon pubblicheranno un 10″ in memoria del loto manager, Nick John, morto nel settembre del 2018. Il vinile in edizione limitata presenterà la versione studio sul lato A e una versione dal vivo sul lato B del classico dei Led Zeppelin ‘Stairway To Heaven’.
Il disco sarà disponibile presso i rivenditori indipendenti da sabato 13 aprile 2019 e tutto il ricavato verrà destinato alla Fondazione Hirshberg per la ricerca sul cancro al pancreas.
“In early September 2018, we lost one of our closest friends and our biggest fan, our manager Nick John,” reads a statement from Mastodon.
He was essentially the band’s Dad. From our highest highs to our lowest lows he was always there. Every single move we made went through him first as our trust in him was marrow deep.
His favorite band besides us and Gojira, was Led Zeppelin. We were asked to perform ‘Stairway To Heaven’ at his funeral. Afterward, finding out that someone had recorded it, we figured we should record a studio version and release it on Record Store Day (April 13th) as a tribute to Nick with all the proceeds to be donated to pancreatic cancer research. We would not be the band we are today without the help of Nick John. We miss him dearly and think of him always. We love you buddy.”