Children Of Bodom, il guitar playthrough video di ‘Under Grass And Clover’
Il 18/12/2018, di Federica Cafagna.

Aspettando l’8 marzo 2019, per l’uscita del nuovo album ‘Hexed’, i Children Of Bodom hanno condiviso il guitar playthrough video del singolo ‘Under Grass And Clover’, di cui era stato condiviso precedentemente il video ufficiale.
1. The Road
2. Under Grass and Clover
3. Glass Houses
4. Hecate’s Nightmare
5. Kick in the Spleen
6. Platitudes and Barren Words
7. Hexed
8. Relapse (The Nature of My Crime)
9. Say Never Look Back
10. Soon Departed
11. Knuckleduster
12. I Worship Chaos (live)
13. Morrigan (live)
14. Knuckleduster (remix)