Kirk Hammett, album solista in arrivo?
Il 06/12/2017, di Giuseppe Cassatella.

In una recente intervista al sito Kirk Hammett si è dichiarato contento di quello che suona con i Metallica, ma ha anche aggiunto che è arrivato in una fase della sua carriera in cui aspira a qualcosa di diverso. Che ci sia un album solista nei porgetti futuri dell’ex Exodus?
Ecco le sue dichiarazioni:
“It’s great to play our catalogue, and we’ve played our catalogue a lot, but it’s also great to play different chord progressions, arrangements, guitar solos, whatever. I’m at the point in my life now where I really need to hear more complex chords, just in my off-time listening, so I find myself listening to a lot of jazz-based stuff and a lot of classical stuff. I crave musical complexity – but that doesn’t mean that I can’t appreciate an open power chord, because I just love that too, and I will always, always love that. Finding other ways to relate certain feelings inside of us has always been the creative challenge and the creative goal.”